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Spinal Fractures

Spinal Fractures

Trauma-Related Fractures: As it is known, it is often spine fractures that occur as a result of traffic accidents or falling from a height. They are emergency cases.
It must be done as soon as possible. Treatment is decided according
to the severity of the fracture, whether it presses on the spinal
cord and whether the spine is stable. Bed rest, corset, or surgical
treatment is planned.

Osteoporotic Fractures:

These are fractures that occur due to aging and osteoporosis that occurs in
parallel with aging. It can occur with much simpler traumas.
Sometimes the patient does not even remember this trauma himself.
Waist or back pain occurs. The pain is getting worse. On examination,
it is understood that he has a fracture in his spine. If detected in
the early period, it can be treated with minimally invasive methods
(kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty). These are called closed surgery. It
can also be performed with local anesthesia (regional anesthesia)
without general anesthesia (without sleeping). The patient can stand
up and walk after 6 hours and can be discharged on the same day. If
undetected and the fracture is very advanced, open surgery and
stabilization may be required.

Pathological Fractures

These are fractures that occur as a result of the weakening of the spine
due to spinal tumors. Fractures caused by spinal infections can be
considered in this group. Treatment is planned according to the
patient’s examination findings and radiological results.